Glen was my intellectual mentor while I was a student at OSU from 1974 to 1976 and six years later after I moved back to Corvallis he and I became personal friends I still feel honored to have edited an early version of his manuscript which eventually became his book The Latin Americans My wife Paula and I with our infant son Trevor visited Glen and Kerry in Oxford in March of 2000 Glen was brilliant kind thoughtful humble and honest I loved him dearly and I wish all the best to Kerry and his family
Rick Partin - 06/03/2025
Sending our sincere condolences to your family at this time Thinking of you Pen
Penelope Bye - 28/02/2025
I have fond childhood memories visiting our grandmother in Oxford and Glen and Kerry were her neighbours and great friends of my parents I always remember Glen being very calm and kind and my condolences are with Kerry Isabel and all those who loved him
Laura Odgers - 27/02/2025
I first met Glen in 1987 He was a friend and neighbour of my late mother Ann He was godfather to my children and like a favourite uncle to me and my wife Lisa Unfailingly interesting and interested We will miss you dearly Glen
John Tucker - 27/02/2025
Professor Dealy was a mentor and role model I was an undergraduate student of his The strangest thing is that this morning I was reading a book about Catholic Europe written by Colm Tobin and thought of Professor Dealy would have enjoyed the book given his interest in Spain and Latin America I actually went in search of his email address but instead found the notice of his passing The Lord must have wanted me to know May he rest in peace He will be remembered always
Christopher Simon, University of Utah - 25/02/2025